Providence Corner Blog
The Leaning Tower of Peaches on Providence Rd
last weekend in July
We did 2 shows this weekend. Temps were above 100 degrees. One show was outdoors Sat. evening (5 til 8). The other one was indoors, Sun. afternoon 3 til 8. Its funny how people born & raised in the south know all about preserves verses folks born farther north know very little about it. At least that has been my experience here in Texas. The Sunday afternoon crowd was from Arkansas, Louisiana & other southern states. Seeing my preserves was like taking them back down to grandma's house in the summer! I wish more moms and grandmas would make preserves for their children & grandchildren. That's treating them like royalty. Strawberry jam will do just fine! Those kinds of memories are priceless! So glad my grandmother, mother, aunts and mother-in-law did that for me. Thank you Queens! LESSON LEARNED: #Always be willing to answer those curious questions from a child about what you do.
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