Providence Corner Blog
The Leaning Tower of Peaches on Providence Rd
Double-Duty Weekend
Providence Preserves had a VERY busy weekend. We were at the Duncan Switch Street Market in Duncanville, Saturday and at the Tale of Two Mercantiles Sunday in Uptown Dallas. We had a great time at both! We met returning customers Saturday and new ones at the initial opening of the Sunday Mercantile Market. The Two Mercantile organizers, Bree & Melissa, are 2 energetic and amazing women. Check out their stories: The Iman Project (Bree) and Tate Farms Rockwall (Melissa). The videos probably wont upload but will include a few pics.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! We got your Pickles
Make the holiday dinner a little more special this time. Add gourmet pickles to the menu. We'll have all of them this Sat., 11/20, at Duncan Switch Street Market in Duncanville. Join us from9 til 3 and pick up a few jars of family favorites - Squash Pickles, Bread & Butter Pickles, Cinnamon Cucumber Rings, Dilly Beans & Watermelon Rind Pickles. #SquashPickles #BreadandButterPickles #DillyBeans #WatermelonRindPickles #CinnamonCucumberRings #Thanksgivingdinnerpickles #smallbatchpreserves #ProvidencePreserves #Iamthankful Bazaar 1 day away
The 34th Annual Holiday Bazaar at 1st Christian Church on Main St in D'ville is just 1 day away. Did we mention we'll have gift boxes you pick and pack with 4oz jams, pickles, chow-chow &/or biscuit mix for less than $20? Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow, 11/6. we'll be there from 9 til 4pm
Holiday Craft Bazaar 11/6/21
Join Providence Preserves this Sat, Nov 6 at the Annual Holiday Craft Bazaar, at 1st Christian Church of Duncanville on Main St from 9am until 4pm. We'll have your favorite jams, pickles, chow-chow & biscuit mix. Mix & Match Gift boxes will also be available.
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