Providence Corner Blog
The Leaning Tower of Peaches on Providence Rd
We Over Me Farm
In 2017 Bonton Farm was our go-to-farm, well this year we started a partnership with We Over Me Farm at Paul Quinn College in Dallas. It, like Bonton, is in a food desert. This small private college in east Dallas turned their football field into a large organic garden. Squash, cucumbers, onion, okra, tomatoes and eggplants are all grown there among other veggies and young fruit trees. A hydroponic system is to be installed to make it even more exceptional. The pandemic has definitely put a damper on having students to assist with care of the farm. Almost all of the harvesting has fallen on the farm administrator, Kim, who does an amazing job cultivating and overseeing the farm. To date, Providence Preserves has made Squash Pickles, Bread & Butter Pickles, Cinnamon Cucumber Pickles and Pickled Okra using the organic produce from We Over Me Farm.
The produce isn't always "grocery store pretty" but it is always delicious! Thanks Kim! Chow-Chow & Pickling Spice
Ok, so I was about to make some Chow-Chow for family and friends and discovered I was completely out of pickling spice. I had everything else needed except this spice. It was too late to buy some so I did the next best thing - I made my own. I found a recipe online that listed everything my now empty pickling spice container listed; mustard seeds, allspice berries, corianda seeds, red pepper flakes, ground ginger, crumbled bay leaves, broken cinnamon sticks and whole cloves, If I say so myself, it looked and smelled just like the store brand, only better! Family & friends if you get a jar, let me know what you think.
August 20th, 2020
Fresh, Local, Organic PRODUCE =
Fresh, Local, Organic PRESERVES Life Tips for Gardening
Every gardener can use a little help
so here's some SAGE advice; always ROMAINE positive your garden surely will grow nice! TURNIP to help friends take THYME for family too; SQUASH any fears you may have and have PEAS of mind in all you do! a.s. waldrop |
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