Providence Corner Blog
The Leaning Tower of Peaches on Providence Rd
Finishing 2019, Anticipating 2020
In 2019 we sold our product at a farmers market 14 times. We did 7 specialty shows, gave out samples on 5 different dates at the State Fair of Texas and sold our goods at 1 college homecoming. We met up with growers, visited farms or backyard gardens and hand-picked much of the produce we processed. We then spent numerous hours in the commercial kitchen cooking the produce and recording the process. Whew! I'm tired just writing about it!
In 2020 we hope to grow some of the produce in our raised garden beds that are yet to be built by Brother Roberts... The compost bin is already working towards turning dried leaves, coffee grinds, egg shells and fruit/veggie peelings into some fertile soil. Texas summers can be brutal to a lawn and gardens are not excluded. I'm pretty anxious to see how all of this turns out. I hope to record the process from building the raised beds, to planting, to harvesting. I usually had a summer garden in N.Carolina that usually did pretty well. Hopefully, some of those skills I used then will transfer to Texas. Having an ag extension person, (like T.C.) went a long way. We hope to video both the good & not so good aspects of our gardening experience. So, stay tuned to our upcoming adventures and feel free to make suggestions, pat us on the backs or tell us when we messed up, which I expect might be often! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! |
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