Providence Corner Blog
The Leaning Tower of Peaches on Providence Rd
It's been a minute since...
Well, it has been quite some time since we last posted on the site. There has been quite a bit happening over the past few months. Let us bring you up to date:
* We won 1st place for condiments at the National Zest Fest Competition held in Fort Worth Texas this spring. * We traveled to the east coast 3 times between April and August and ate lots of fresh seafood, saw the ocean, family and friends * We found ourselves attending, cheering and silently coaching at EVERY basketball game our grandson played * Our only granddaughter graduated from high school in May * We attended various small business events & workshops * We connected with some new minority-owned farmers over the summer for local produce * We sold some of our products in the GoTexan General Store at the State Fair of Texas in Oct. * Finally, November is proving to be the busiest month as far as vendor events go. Three down and two to go! Please continue to follow us on Instagram and Facebook for updated vendor events and the latest going ons with Providence Preserves. As always, we truly thank you for supporting our small minority-owned business. New Year, New Beginnings
After a much-needed and restful Christmas and Kwaanza holiday, Providence Preserves is back in the kitchen. We try to use this month as a time to assess the previous year and plan, order and strategize for the new year. Our inventory always starts a little slower at the beginning of the year, but as the year progresses, so does our preserves availability. This is probably the first time we began a new year with absolutely NO products. Generally, there are usually a few jars left over from the previous year. But, by the end of December 2023, there was nothing left on our shelves. We saw that as both a good thing (it showed we had a good year) and a not so good thing (we had to tell customers sorry no products available). However, thanks to some greenhouse farmers, we now have both Mild and Hot Chow-Chow in stock as well as some Strawberry Jam and Tomato Pear Chutney.
Some of our repeat customers are very specific about what they want. We know who you are Carolyn, Claudia and Nicole and, we know what you want - Chow-Chow, Peach Habanero Jam and Hot Squash Pickles! You will be among the first to know! We appreciate your support. The Christmas holidays are almost here!
Hello everyone, the holidays are almost here and we've been busy attending some vendor events on weekends. In September & October we were at Duncan Switch and the Methodist Marketplace. November events included the Holiday Bazaar and the 2day event Funky Finds in Fort Worth. The first weekend in December had us in Waxahachie with the Sparkle and Sleigh Christmas event and Dallas with West Wall Street. Holiday on the Hill is our next scheduled event. I believe after participating in all of these vendor events, Providence Preserves will be due for a break! We may as well take a break until spring because, we are out of stock of just about every item.
Hello Customers
Its been a minute (a few minutes actually) since we've shared on the website. We've been doing events, making product, posting videos on other platforms, making more product and of course grand-parenting. Friends and customers, we are fully stocked and ready to receive your orders. Please don't wait until the holidays to contact us. Our inventory will probably be lower by then and you may have fewer items to choose from, as we have market and vendor events scheduled October thru December.
We are looking forward to connecting with you soon! About February...
I guess I slept through February, because I did not post one thing on my Facebook/Providence Preserves site. Looking back at the calendar, I see we only had one sale event at one of the middle schools in Dallas. Reed MS highlighted several minority businesses at the conclusion of their Black History play in the gym. Although it was only a 2 hour event, it went by very fast. While answering their questions about my business, I saw 2 full trays of samples get devoured before my eyes! Sixth graders still run everywhere they go, 7th graders still walk and hold hands because they are in love and the 8th graders think they are too mature to be bothered with any of the underclassmen. It really was a lot of fun. We took several pics but due to privacy we will not post them without parental permission. However, take my word for it, middle schoolers are still very high energy AND...I am so thankful I am a retiree.
Black History Celebration
Meet us at Red Bird Mall in Dallas Texas, Saturday, Feb. 4th from 12 until 3 for the 1st Annual BITS (Building Intellect Tutorial Services) Black History Celebration. Expect to see invited vendors, (including Providence Preserves) and local city officials and talented presentations. The Black Girl Magic Museum at Red Bird will also have its grand opening. Come out and support.
Aunt Elsie Tribute
These pickles are the notorious Aunt Elsie Pickles. They were made and named in her honor. She was one of my mothers' six sisters and the "spiciest" of all of them. Aunt Elsie was also among the first persons I saw canning. Our family loved her sweet & spicy pickles. She never shared her recipe, but after several trials, I think I just about nailed it! These crunchy pickles are only made for and given to family around Christmas. A card/warning always accompany the pickles reminding the cousins the pickles are very hot & spicy just like our auntie.
New Day, New Year, New Beginnings
We're almost at the end of the first week of a brand-new year (2023). Providence Preserves will not be making any New Years' Resolutions. But there are some principals we will try to continue to honor and live by this year. Let's help each other remember:
1. To know the difference between working hard for something we don't care about that leads to stress versus working hard for something we love that shows passion. 2. To know that speaking is like using toothpaste. You can squirt the words out, but, you cannot put them back in once they're said. And finally... 3. Know that God has plans, purposes and promises for you & me. We shouldn't measure His unlimited power by our limited expectations. Thank You!
Providence Preserves would like to thank everyone who purchased our products, gave us an encouraging word or referred us to new customers and new venues in 2022. We are hopeful that all of you will be abundantly blessed in the new year.
Flash Sale (Sat) Dec 17th (9 til 3)
Our half pint Jams & Chutney will be on a Flash Sale Saturday Dec 17th from 9am until 3pm for $6 each.
Strawberry Jam $6 Peach Jam $6 Peach Habanero Jam $6 Berry-Peachy Jam $6 Jalapeno Mint Jelly $6 Tomato Pear Chutney $6 Email us at: [email protected] Include: your name, jar order & best contact information +$4.25 shipping/handling per jar outside DFW Delivery/pickup options available for DFW customers We look forward to hearing from you! |
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