Providence Corner Blog
The Leaning Tower of Peaches on Providence Rd
March 12th, 2022
It has been a minute since we last posted on the website blog. I guess you could say we've been resting up for the upcoming season. We can already tell its going to be a busy one, (hopefully). During the month of March, we have been vendors in a brand new market in Grand Prairie Texas called The Jewels International Holistic Farmers Market. The market is only held twice a month starting out, but the potential to grow is certainly there! We've met some fantastic vendors and since it is Womens History Month, Lets showcase some of the female customers we met at our first market there. Looking forward to seeing these ladies next time.
pickles vs. pickles
We are often asked if we make Koolaide Pickles. No, No and No.
No, our pickles are not "flavored" No, the pickling process is not the same No, the taste is not the same I have nothing against Koolaide Pickles. I know some lovely people who both make them and eat them. I'm just not one of those persons. We make pickles through a "canning" process in which they are prepped in salt and ice and then cooked in a brine and preserved in sterilized jars. There is a difference... So, when you see a jar of Bread & Butter Pickles, Cinnamon Cucumber Rings, Squash Pickles or Watermelon Rind Pickles, please appreciate the time and effort that went into making those pickles. Unsung Heroes: US Postal Workers
We ship 95% of our orders via US Postal Service Priority Mail because of the set box shipping cost. My customers really save more money when they buy more product because the shipping cost is a set amount. It is very seldom we use other carriers. Those postal workers on the front lines are some amazing people given the volume of packages they handle and deliver, especially during the Christmas holidays. Of the millions they deliver, a small portion of those packages were jams, biscuit mix and pickles from Providence Preserves.
Getting orders ready for shipment actually began as early as March or April when we first start making preserves for the new season. It takes the bees pollinating the flowers/plants, farmers growing and harvesting the crops, the jar companies shipping jars on time and unbroken, correct size lids, the printers making the various labels, scheduling commercial kitchen rental time and hoping all the other ingredients needed are fresh and available. Once we make our products when the fruits and vegetables are at their peak, they are packaged and sealed fresh awaiting orders. In the final steps, we hand our boxes to our friends at the Cedar Hill Post Office to begin the journey, along with millions if not billions of other packages to their final destination. These ladies at our local post office are always polite and professional when I arrive there with your orders. The boxes are labeled and handled with care from my hands to yours. Thankfully, no one has reported receiving damaged goods. Thank you for entrusting us to make & mail you a quality product. We hope the jams, pickles and chow-chow you receive gives you not only nourishment but feelings of happiness and contentment. Thank you. Stay encouraged. Kenny & Debbie Recent Online Vendor Event
This past Sat night, 12/4/21 we participated in an online vendor event. Never sold face-to-face online before. To my surprise it went pretty well. There were 5 other vendors on besides us. My presentation took all of 10 minutes if that! After presenting, I turned the computer to show my product display along with web address & phone number. Buyers could switch any same-size jars on display. We sold out of many of the products. A lot of preparation went into this, but it was worth the effort. Special thank you to friends & family who "tuned in" from midwest, east coast. & Texas.
Charcuterie w/Providence Preserves
Some family members tried their hands at making a charcuterie board using a couple of our products Thanksgiving Day. We all sampled some Tomato Pear Chutney with goat cheese on a bagette slice AND some Jalapeno Mint Jelly with brie. They also added red grapes, gouda cheese, green olives, nuts, pita chips and dried fruits. Everybody enjoyed mixing and sampling the foods on the board. Looking forward to our "real" charcuterie session this Sunday afternoon with Jessica from Graze Board. We'll compare our before & after pics.
Double-Duty Weekend
Providence Preserves had a VERY busy weekend. We were at the Duncan Switch Street Market in Duncanville, Saturday and at the Tale of Two Mercantiles Sunday in Uptown Dallas. We had a great time at both! We met returning customers Saturday and new ones at the initial opening of the Sunday Mercantile Market. The Two Mercantile organizers, Bree & Melissa, are 2 energetic and amazing women. Check out their stories: The Iman Project (Bree) and Tate Farms Rockwall (Melissa). The videos probably wont upload but will include a few pics.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! We got your Pickles
Make the holiday dinner a little more special this time. Add gourmet pickles to the menu. We'll have all of them this Sat., 11/20, at Duncan Switch Street Market in Duncanville. Join us from9 til 3 and pick up a few jars of family favorites - Squash Pickles, Bread & Butter Pickles, Cinnamon Cucumber Rings, Dilly Beans & Watermelon Rind Pickles. #SquashPickles #BreadandButterPickles #DillyBeans #WatermelonRindPickles #CinnamonCucumberRings #Thanksgivingdinnerpickles #smallbatchpreserves #ProvidencePreserves #Iamthankful Bazaar 1 day away
The 34th Annual Holiday Bazaar at 1st Christian Church on Main St in D'ville is just 1 day away. Did we mention we'll have gift boxes you pick and pack with 4oz jams, pickles, chow-chow &/or biscuit mix for less than $20? Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow, 11/6. we'll be there from 9 til 4pm
Holiday Craft Bazaar 11/6/21
Join Providence Preserves this Sat, Nov 6 at the Annual Holiday Craft Bazaar, at 1st Christian Church of Duncanville on Main St from 9am until 4pm. We'll have your favorite jams, pickles, chow-chow & biscuit mix. Mix & Match Gift boxes will also be available.
Time for Cinnamon Cucumber Rings
Of all the pickles I make, Cinnamon Cucumber Rings are my favorite. Not because they're sweet. Not because they're red, not because it takes 5 days to make them, but because they taste so good! And, they add so much color to your plate.
Don't take my word for it; try some for yourself. Let me know what you think. |
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